5th Grade Overnight to Marin Headlands!
The outdoor classroom at NatureBridge in the Marin Headlands allowed our 5th grade students to bond through cooperative games and learn about the effects of climate change during their two-night trip last week. Some groups tested the pH levels of the ocean to see the impacts of acidification on plankton and the ocean’s food chain, others checked water quality by capturing and identifying macroinvertebrates and delighted at river otters frolicking in Rodeo Lagoon. Everyone hiked the hills for vistas of the oceans and ended the days with campfire songs under the stars.
Our 5th grade faculty and advisors were proud of their students’ kindness to one another and willingness to pitch in and help the NatureBridge staff. They saw teamwork, problem-solving, curiosity, and awe as students built up their resilience, learned more about the natural world, and felt the power and comfort of being part of a community outside of their families.